Changing the Trunk Notes editor font

I’ve had a recent question via Twitter as to whether you can change the Trunk Notes editor font. I added this as a (sort of) hidden feature a couple of releases ago. However I never really told anyone about it (except for a couple of people via email).

There is now a new page in your Trunk Notes wiki called Special:AdvancedSettings. In here you can set/change variables which are used to modify how Trunk Notes works. A little like about:config in Firefox. Basically it is a lazy way of me allowing people to customise Trunk Notes just that little bit more without having to create a proper interface!

At the moment the only recognised settings that can be added to Special:AdvancedSettings are editor-font-name and editor-font-size.

Here is an example of how to change the editor font to a monospaced font – very handy if you use lots of tables in your Markdown:

editor-font-name = Courier
editor-font-size = 15

Simple! The page Special:AdvancedSettings is just some lines each of which is key = value. Any line starting with a # is ignored (a common convention for comments), and any line which doesn’t properly parse is also ignored. Make sure that you get the case right – Editor-font-name wouldn’t be recognised.

Recent versions of iOS come with a surprisingly large number of fonts which can be used by any apps (certainly compared to Androids 1 font family!) A great resource I often refer to is It allows you to filter by iOS version, search fonts and see previews in your browser.

I will likely introduce more ways to customise Trunk Notes via Special:AdvancedSettings over time – however for now have fun modifying your editor font.