Send emails with formatting and images on your iPhone/iPad using Trunk Notes

This is the third in a series of blog posts to help new users get more out of Trunk Notes. In this post I will show you how easy it is to use Trunk Notes to send emails complete with formatting (lists, bold, italics, headings, …)!

Mail on your iPhone/iPad/… is great. However you can only send plain text emails (unless you faff around with copy/paste).

It is incredibly simple to use Trunk Notes to write an email, complete with formatting.

Step 1 – An email template

In this email I am using a special note I have set up as a template. It contains my signature and a casual Hello salutation. The template looks like this:

Step 2 – Writing your email

What I am going to do is to quickly find my email template. Simply tap in the search bar and start typing EmailTemplate (notice that here i’ve only had to type the first character)

Once I’ve tapped the name of the note I can duplicate it and write my email.

To duplicate a note simply tap the action button (bottom right) and select Duplicate.

You will now be thrown into edit mode and can write your email.

Step 3 – Save and send

You will notice that the name of this note is New:. I am going to put today’s date there using Trunk Note’s timestamp feature. Simply tap to edit the name, delete the text and then select “Insert Timestamp…” from the action menu. Tap Save to save your new note.

Now to send the email tap the action button, select Mail… and then Mail Entry.

Edit the To:, Cc/Bcc: and Subject as necessary. Finally tap Send!

Using snippets, etc

For more advanced email use you could set up Snippets with standard words and phrases. For example if I type krxx automatically Trunk Notes will insert:

Kind Regards


Using snippets can save you lots of time.

Why not create lots of different email templates for writing to different types of people.

If your note includes images or sounds they will be included as attachments in your email.

Don’t forget that Trunk Notes tries not to force you to work in a particular way. You don’t have to use a template as described above. You can send any Trunk Notes page as an email – just tap the action button and Mail…

Have fun using Trunk Notes to send better looking emails!